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Species tolerances and sample heterogeneities.


tolerance(x, ...)

# S3 method for cca
tolerance(x, choices = 1:2, which = c("species","sites"),
          scaling = "species", useN2 = TRUE, hill = FALSE, ...)

# S3 method for decorana
tolerance(x, data, choices = 1:4,
          which = c("sites", "species"), useN2 = TRUE, ...)


Function to compute species tolerances and site heterogeneity measures from unimodal ordinations (CCA & CA). Implements Eq 6.47 and 6.48 from the Canoco 4.5 Reference Manual (pages 178--179).


Matrix of tolerances/heterogeneities with some additional attributes: which, scaling, and N2, the latter of which will be NA if useN2 = FALSE or N2 could not be estimated.


Gavin L. Simpson and Jari Oksanen (decorana method).



object of class "cca".


numeric; which ordination axes to compute tolerances and heterogeneities for. Defaults to axes 1 and 2.


character; one of "species" or "sites", indicating whether species tolerances or sample heterogeneities respectively are computed.


character or numeric; the ordination scaling to use. See scores.cca for details.


logical; if scaling is a character, these control whether Hill's scaling is used for (C)CA respectively. See scores.cca for details.


logical; should the bias in the tolerances / heterogeneities be reduced via scaling by Hill's N2?


Original input data used in decorana. If missing, the function tries to get the same data as used in decorana call.


arguments passed to other methods.


mod <- cca(dune ~ ., data = dune.env)

## defaults to species tolerances
#> Species Tolerance
#> Scaling: 2
#>                CCA1      CCA2
#> Achimill 0.32968099 0.9241988
#> Agrostol 0.93670069 0.9238455
#> Airaprae 1.04694096 0.5889849
#> Alopgeni 0.72227472 0.3760138
#> Anthodor 1.00596787 0.8338212
#> Bellpere 0.32891011 0.9962790
#> Bromhord 0.27740999 0.6236199
#> Chenalbu 0.00000000 0.0000000
#> Cirsarve 0.00000000 0.0000000
#> Comapalu 0.47185632 0.8029414
#> Eleopalu 0.50344134 0.9384960
#> Elymrepe 0.35119963 0.5642491
#> Empenigr 0.00000000 0.0000000
#> Hyporadi 1.05840696 0.7523003
#> Juncarti 0.78397702 1.0686743
#> Juncbufo 0.69275956 0.6180830
#> Lolipere 0.51006235 0.8278177
#> Planlanc 0.36040676 0.6962294
#> Poaprat  0.58184277 0.9547104
#> Poatriv  0.78695928 0.7433503
#> Ranuflam 0.56576326 1.1725628
#> Rumeacet 0.58715663 0.8751491
#> Sagiproc 0.70922180 1.1153129
#> Salirepe 0.98530179 0.1077917
#> Scorautu 1.04355761 1.0724439
#> Trifprat 0.03045846 0.3651949
#> Trifrepe 1.21543364 0.9115613
#> Vicilath 0.24853962 0.6194084
#> Bracruta 1.03787313 1.0958331
#> Callcusp 0.57882025 1.0418623

## sample heterogeneities for CCA axes 1:6
tolerance(mod, which = "sites", choices = 1:6)
#> Sample Heterogeneity
#> Scaling: 2
#>         CCA1      CCA2      CCA3      CCA4      CCA5      CCA6
#> 1  0.2350112 0.8611530 1.7964571 0.4445499 2.4235732 0.5496289
#> 2  0.7100754 0.4136311 0.8151643 0.6311751 1.0467901 0.2514646
#> 3  0.5076492 0.7279717 0.8306874 0.5590739 0.3904998 0.9162012
#> 4  0.5955037 0.6901907 0.7931255 0.4873638 0.3966068 0.8700581
#> 5  0.6001048 0.5614830 1.1481560 0.3569604 0.4423909 1.9420043
#> 6  0.7272637 0.6867342 1.6068628 0.7778498 0.9187843 0.4938865
#> 7  0.6478967 0.4993262 0.7207318 0.3817131 0.4130713 0.7228173
#> 8  0.8563491 0.5498552 0.4217718 0.3370226 0.3013276 0.9535190
#> 9  0.5599722 0.7399384 0.4170304 1.0535541 1.4612437 0.7626183
#> 10 0.5210280 0.5806978 0.5856634 0.4174860 1.8559344 0.8890262
#> 11 0.4489323 0.6016877 0.3317371 1.8780211 1.2965939 2.1953737
#> 12 0.4948094 1.1084494 0.5226746 1.5064446 0.5703077 1.1561020
#> 13 0.6998985 0.8859365 0.4215474 0.8582272 0.5673698 0.5186678
#> 14 1.5925779 0.6747926 0.8927360 1.6798300 0.3480218 0.1575892
#> 15 1.0107648 0.5294221 1.0975629 1.7632888 0.2240900 0.3727240
#> 16 0.8031479 0.6058313 0.4871527 0.4227451 0.5341256 0.6990815
#> 17 0.5936276 1.5142792 0.5137979 1.0224938 1.7931775 0.6261853
#> 18 0.5689409 1.4067575 0.6398557 0.4983399 0.4364791 0.6590394
#> 19 1.1330387 0.9816332 1.1242398 0.7238920 0.5577662 0.7036044
#> 20 0.6737757 1.4458326 1.4380928 1.0959027 0.4142423 0.5332460
## average should be 1 with scaling = "sites", hill = TRUE
tol <- tolerance(mod, which = "sites", scaling = "sites", hill = TRUE,
   choices = 1:4)
#>     CCA1     CCA2     CCA3     CCA4 
#> 1.059199 1.048823 1.000551 1.077612 
apply(tol, 2, sd)
#>      CCA1      CCA2      CCA3      CCA4 
#> 0.3174462 0.2793521 0.3714540 0.2681931 
## Rescaling tries to set all tolerances to 1
tol <- tolerance(decorana(dune))
#>      DCA1      DCA2      DCA3      DCA4 
#> 0.9817657 0.9249544 0.9444811 0.9821666 
apply(tol, 2, sd)
#>      DCA1      DCA2      DCA3      DCA4 
#> 0.1977777 0.3204058 0.2646872 0.1210543