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These functions are provided for compatibility with older versions of vegan only, and may be defunct as soon as the next release.


## moved to vegan3d package: install from CRAN
orditkplot(x, display = "species", choices = 1:2, width, xlim, ylim, 
   tcex = 0.8, tcol, pch = 1,  pcol, pbg, pcex = 0.7, labels,  ...)
# S3 method for orditkplot
plot(x, ...)
# S3 method for orditkplot
points(x, pch = x$args$pch, cex = x$args$pcex,
       col = x$args$pcol, bg = x$args$pbg, ...)
# S3 method for orditkplot
text(x, cex = x$args$tcex, col = x$args$tcol,
     font = attr(x$labels, "font"), ...)
# S3 method for orditkplot
scores(x, display, ...)
## use toCoda instead



ordination result orditkplot or object to be tranformed as.mcmc.

display, choices

kind of scores and number of axes.


size of Tcl/Tk window in inches.

xlim, ylim, tcex, tcol, pch, pcol, pbg, pcex, labels, cex, col, bg, font

graphical parameters similar to standard plot functions; those applied only to points preceded with p, and those to text with t.


Other arguments passed to the functions.


orditkplot was moved to vegan3d (version 1.3-0). Install that package from CRAN and use in the old way.

See also